May 07, 2014

Sex With Zombies?

Here’s what I don’t get about sex with zombies:

Actually, before I get into that, allow me to spend a moment reveling in the fact that I have created a blog, the subject matter of which allows me to create a post that starts with the sentence, “Here’s what I don’t get about sex with zombies.” And it’s not even that far off topic. (It involves sex, after all.)

Sorry, I’ve been sick, and I’m not at the top of my game. Which is exactly what I don’t get about sex with zombies: when I’m sick I don’t feel sexy. I have zero drive to get it on; a lot of the time I don’t even have the drive for a quick tug. Which, I’m guessing, is probably what zombies feel like all the time – aren’t they essentially just sick people walking around? So why would I want to have sex with a zombie girl, if she’s not going to be into it?


  1. I hear you. I don't understand it. More than merely being ill, zombies are the living dead. Doesn't that often involve pieces of flesh and limbs spontaneously dropping off?! I can't imagine that's too ideal, especially for male zombies.

    Perhaps, sex with a zombie is a way of bringing them back to life - a weird inverse of la petite mort...

    (PS Get well soon...)

    1. There's not much I can add to this - you're absolutely right, limbs and appendages falling off are kind of a mood dampener. lol

      Then again, if sex with anyone can bring someone back to life it's me, so maybe I shouldn't be so hasty. ;)
